Thursday, December 6, 2007


Every good blog begins with an apology, and this is no exception, although it may not be a good blog. If I were half as good a writer as I am a cook, I probably wouldn't have to eat my words so often. Nevertheless, food has always played such an important role in my life, I think I have a few stories and recipes worth sharing.
Also, with a memory as bad as mine, I've been looking for a way to record my successes and failures in the kitchen, as well as share them with others. If I remember to type them up here, then maybe they won't be forgotten.
Lisa (my partner in cooking) and I have called it "I don't let my stomach boss me around" because my life has been a relentless battle between my rather sensitive stomach and my incorrigible, thrill-seeking tastebuds. Not all the recipes here will be insane, however. Now that I cook for two, I've had to tone it down a bit. But I shall recount my glory days and unearth my old recipes for those of you who like it hot.

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